Thursday, 14 July 2016

Pastors Stabbed by Muslim Extremist; Jesus Redeemed Him and His Family

Picture: cutting fingers and hands of a man who read the Bible

Al-Farooqi (name is not real for the security reasons), 37 years old, was a fanatic Muslim In the Middle East. He was very punctual for Islamic faith and its practices.  He strongly believed that the whole world must be ruled according the law of Islamic sharia and those who do not follow sharia must be killed. In his twenties he worked with Taliban, destroyed churches and temples and killed many of its people.  He was crazy to see the pool of blood. When Taliban was attacked by US army, he was wounded, but somehow he escaped and flee from there and got back to his native. Still he is unable to walk properly.

He kept a terrible  enmity to the Christians. Whenever he meet a Christian, he would slap him at once. It was his pledge. He was keeping a large knife always with him.

Few days ago, two of the pastors of “Bibles for Mideast” met him and gave him a sample gospel and started talking about Jesus. Pastors had no idea about his past. They just thought a handicapped man walking alone. That’s why they approached and tried to evangelize him.

Farooqi got very angry. Both of his eyes became reddish. He was shivering like anything. He shouted “Allahu Akbar” and tore the gospel. Then he took his knife and stabbed them several times. Because of his immediate action, pastors got some injuries, but by God’s grace it was not serious ones.

While he was attacking the pastors, his knife was forcibly thrown down from the hand to his undamaged leg.  He got serious injury. Blood was flown out from his leg like a shower. Automatically he sat on the road. He cried aloud with severe pain.

Immediately pastors took their kerchiefs and tried to bandage his injuries. Though he was suffering with pain, he did not allow the pastors to touch him first. He denied their help and treatment. But by force pastors given him first aid and stopped flowing of the blood. And pastors themselves took a taxi and brought him to the nearest hospital. After applying the proper bandage and injecting medicines, pastors took him to his own house.

On the way to his house from the hospital, pastors told him the story of Good Samaritan. And said, “This was Jesus taught us to do. We follow what He said”.Farooqi listened the story, but he acted uninterested.

When pastors left his house, he did not want to give them a thanks or even just a smile at them.   Pastors knew he is still angry. Yet, next day they went to visit him at his house with prayers. Farooqi’s family members were happy to see the pastors. But he did not talk to them.

After two days, pastors again went to see him and helped him to untie the bandage and applied new. His family members became closer to them. On their forth visit only Farooqi expressed his thanks to the pastors and spoke something. That was also because of the compulsion of his family members. Hence the gospel team of “Bibles for Mideast” became regular visitors of that house. Farooqi was happy to see them. Gospel team told more about Jesus. He and his family listened carefully and pastors given them Arabic Bible.

Farooqi told them, “I am not worthy to stand before the Lord, for I am such a sinner and killed many people. Of course He cannot love me as a human being”.

Pastors showed him the Bible verse, Romans 5:8-10, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His Blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life”.

Farooqi and family convinced about the Christian life. They confessed before the Lord and accepted Him as their Lord and Savior. Now all are attending the worship service regularly at our house church in secret.

Picture: cutting fingers and hands as a punishment of reading the Bible

Pray for Farooqi and his family that the Muslim community will not give them any harm. May our Lord protect them under His wings.

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