Thursday, 25 August 2016

It is Five Years the Teenage Sisters Shot Dead for Reading the Bible

Dead bodies of Arifa and Akhtar.

It is over five years the  two teenage sisters named Arifa, 17, and Akhtar, 19, were kidnapped and gunned down by “Lashkar-e-Taiba”, a Pakistan based Islamic militant terrorist group in Indian-controlled northern Kashmir, bordering Pakistan.

The victims were the daughters of Gulam Nabi Dar, who was working as a salesman of a government ration shop.

The girls were illiterates, but doing embroidery works as well as attending classes to learn read and write in an adult education center which was run by an underground ministries of the “Bibles for Mideast (”. Though they were Muslims, they believed in Jesus Christ and attend prayer services and began to read the New Testament.

Once, Pastor Paul, who is the Director of Bibles for Mideast and also a converted Christian from Islam shared his testimony along with the message of the gospel in that small community. After the message  Arifa and Akhtar together read Isaiah Chapter 53 and declared their faith in Jesus Christ and accepted Him  as their Savior and Lord.

The very next day evening they were shot dead after abduction by at least three gunmen.

Certainly,  the militants might have come to know about the underground ministries and the girls’ involvement in its activities.

Militants barged into the house and forcibly took the girls, Their bullet riddled bodies were later found some distance away from their home. One of them was shot in the left eye.

Police sources said that the gunmen managed to escape under the cover of darkness.

The teenagers family was living in two rooms and their father was not yet reached back home from his work place.

Arifa and Akhtar.

At time of incident there were two other women, both aunts of Arifa and Akhtar in the house, besides a young girl, and a relative who had come to visit the family. The women raised an alarm and ran after the gunmen, but stopped following threats from the gunmen. Their elder brother was living with his maternal uncles house at another village while as their younger brother was at home when they were abducted and brutally murdered.

“One of the gunmen was covered his face by a black muffler. Only his eyes were visible. Two others followed him. They were speaking Urdu. One spoke a few words in Kashmiri,” said their younger brother Gulam Jeelani.

After this incident, local missionary Pastor Idris and his assistant were attacked with steel pipes. Pastor’s legs were broken.  Pastor Paul and family also threatened to kill and brutally attacked.

Lashkar-e-Taiba, or the 'Army of the Righteous', seeks to introduce an Islamic state in South Asia and to "liberate" Muslims in Indian-controlled Kashmir.

India has identified the group as the alleged masterminds behind the 2008 terror attack on the Indian financial capital of Mumbai that killed 166 people.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Snake Goddess Transforms Tongue of the Word of God

girl feeding the snake.

She is known as “Nagamma” which means snake mother. She was a well known sorcerer of her native in South Asia. People in the community used to worship her as a snake goddess, brought her offerings, and prostrated themselves before her. But a powerful encounter with Jesus in a dream turned her away from black magic to follow the living, true God.  Now her name is Maria (Mary).

Here is her own words, "My father was a wizard of leadership among our people. He practiced black magic. My family is part of the Hindu Dalit class on the lowest rung of the society, sometimes known as untouchables.

I loved many idols and practiced witchcraft under the direction of my father. The Snakes were my favorite gods. As a child I fed the local snakes, carrying milk to the edge of their snake holes.

We had many idols of serpents in a special temple dedicated to snakes in my community. They were located under a fig tree.

When I was 12 years old, a snake raised its head and bit me as I tried to feed it with milk. My parents took me to the local doctor (not a medical practitioner), but he was not fully able to remove the poison of the serpent from my body.

After three days my condition has improved, but the unusual side effects remained. I had a total change in my body and mind. My color has also changed as blue. I started acting like a snake. I always wanted to stay and sit in the temple of snakes. Then my people regarded me as the goddess snake. My father was the one who first announced that I was the snake goddess.

People in the surrounding area began to bring milk, fruits and flowers for me as offerings and fell down before me on the floor. They wanted to get a touch with my pretense of being blessed. They even gave their money offers.

women worshiping snake.

As word spread about the goddess snake became famous throughout the region.

I asked if I could visit their homes. They asked their black magic spells to bring blessings on them and destroying their enemies. My parents made money with it.

Some missionaries of Bibles for Mideast ( have biblical brochures for our family and talked about Jesus Christ, but my father confronted the men telling them that I was a goddess and they should follow me, instead of Jesus.

In the year 2013 I perform black magic in the house of a family with a small child, when something unusual happened. Satan instructed me that there was a golden treasure in that house and I should sacrifice the child of less than three months old to find the treasure.

However, there followed a spiritual battle for the life of that child. As the supernatural war raged around her, suddenly it became troubled and I was very perturbed. I could not complete the black magic then out of that house.

When I sleep at night I had a remarkable dream.

A white and handsome man came to me and sat beside me. I noticed my room filled with full of light and no darkness at all. The man showed me his hands. His hands were with brands as if they were injured by nails, bearing the marks of crucifixion.

He told me: “My daughter, you are dear to me. I am your Lord and God. I give the treasure of peace and eternal life. I am the door”. He continued, “Those who come to me will be saved; they will go in and out and will find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that you might have life -. Life in all its fullness”.

Nagamma, now named a Maria (left) receiving Bible.

Nagamma recognized the man in her dream as Jesus Christ! Overwhelmed with emotion, she knelt before Him and accepted Him as her personal Savior and Lord.

In the days that followed, I changed my heart led to bold actions. I myself broke all the idols and temple of snakes. My parents and those who believed in me did not like it. They told me I was mad. They tied me to a tree and beat me. Many other persecutions I faced. But I did not lose my faith in Jesus and wanted to enter into the fold of Jesus Christ through baptism”..

Nagamma personally requested Pastor Paul of Bibles for Mideast and his gospel team for the baptism.  She herself chosen a new name “Maria” as her baptismal name. The Lord has anointed her by the Holy Spirit. Her family, her parents and brothers now believing Jesus Christ and they made a prayer tent for worshiping Jesus Christ at the same place where they were having serpent’s temple.  He is using her as a good weapon for the salvation of many people in their region through “Bibles for Mideast”. .

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Jesus Not Allowed That Atheist Go To Hell With Two Eyes

Sapru showing his removed eyes.

I am Sapru, 48 years of age and was born and brought up in South of Asia. I was an atheist and became a strong communist. I never believed in Jesus Christ or Christian religion. I had so many friends and most of them were alcoholic. Slowly I too became an addict of alcohol. I was a taxi driver too.

My wife’s name is Blessey. She was a prayer woman, meditating Bible every day, but without my knowledge. If I would have seen that she is praying or reading the Bible, I would not let her allow to do it. She holds the promises of God and regularly praying for my repentance.

Once, I was fully alcoholic, quarreled with my wife and severely beaten her and took my taxi car and left home. On the way I had an accident. My taxi hit with a truck and I was seriously injured and hospitalized. My left eyes came out and totally destroyed. I saw death face to face.

When my wife Blessey heard the news of the accident, she rushed to the hospital with some missionaries, led by Pastor Paul of Bibles for Mideast ( They knelt down before Lord Jesus in the hospital chapel. My wife read the Bible and cried before the Lord for me. She asked God to give my life back as a new creation.

While the surgery was going on, my soul was wandering to get a seat in heaven. The angels did not allow me to enter into the heaven but pushed me to the hell. But Jesus did not allow me to be fallen to the hell, but hold me in His mighty nailed hands safely because of my wife’s intercession. Lord showed me that my wife and prayer team kneeling down and praying for me with tears. And Lord said to me, “Go; be saved and baptized and live for me with your family”.

During this time, few seconds my pulse and heart showed no response at the operation theater. Doctor’s thought of declaring my death. But after a few seconds I started breathing. So doctors said, “Thank God; now he is alright”. Truly when Jesus allowed my soul to go back to the body, I started breathing. Before that my death was happened. While this time I heard my Lord’s voice again, “It is better for you to lose an eye than to have your both eyes thrown into the hell. Let it be a testimony of yours for witnessing me”. 

I recovered, but my left eye has been totally removed. I don’t worry about it, because Lord wants me to be with Him in heaven without an eye. He loved me, so that He did not allow me to go to hell with both eyes. Praise the Lord for HIS wonderful love.

I confessed from all of my sins, accepted Lord Jesus as my personal savior and Lord and within few days I was baptized in the water and witnessing Lord Jesus Christ with Bibles for Mideast along with my family. 

Though I have only one eye, I can easily drive the car now. My boss, a believer in Jesus gave me a car to drive for him.

I have two sons. I am so happy to see them rejoicing in the Lord because of my conversion and activities on ministries.